Administrative block
The administrative block consists of the reception area with a spacious of sitting area, principal office and students’ convention centre.
Computer Lab
It offers computer study from the basic level to improve the technological idea. It is provided with high efficient computers.
Mathematical and Science Lab
It facilitates with the availability of mathematical and scientific needs and instruments.
Al Bayan library holds thousands of books from the different categories like journals, education, science, fictions, literature, poem and stories, comics, textbooks, reference etc. It also includes the linguistic books, Arabic Kithabs, history books etc.
Reading Corner
Reading corners are the places where the students, staffs and others can make use of. The daily newspapers and magazines are available there.
Smart room
Visual media makes easy to catch the things more than from reading. It improves the listening and speaking capacity of the students.
Convention centre
Convention centre, where facilitates to sit all the students of the campus. The special programmes and events are being conducted there.
The managing committee offers free paying hostel facilities for the students and staffs.
Dining Hall
Dining hall is systematically set where all the students can sit together.